Tour: Enterprises Should Be Mobile & Work Social

Be Mobile Work Social

There is a nationwide tour that highlights the importance of being mobile and working social. The awareness effort is being promoted on social media with the hashtag phrase #BeMobileWorkSocial.

Thus far, the tour has traveled through numerous cities, and it’s on its way to several more in the coming weeks.

I’m referring to the Amp It Up! Tour 2015, that’s sponsored by IBM and Covinia. The former, of course, is a household name needing no introduction.

Covinia, on the other hand, is a relatively new company that provides mobile and social solutions to enterprises. The company is led by growth strategist and business author, Scott Abbott.

He’s also the guy who is hosting the events.

Amp It Up! Tour

So far, the Amp It Up! Tour has been to Cincinnati, Houston, Indianapolis, Jacksonville, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, New York, Philadelphia, San Francisco, and Toronto.

As of this writing, the last 5 cities were Boston, Hoboken, Charlotte, and the nation’s capital.

I attended the event in the District, on May 27, 2015. It was hosted at The Loft—and for the Washingtonians out there it’s directly across the street from the Verizon Center.

The next event on the itinerary is in Columbus.

I should note that attendees are provided with free drinks and food, a complimentary business book, and a really awesome, bight-orange t-shirt.


The catchphrase is somewhat intuitive.

But you might be interested in what they really mean by “be mobile” and “work social.”

While the mantra could really apply to everyone, it relates to improving the efficiency and performance of enterprises.

Just as it’s important for individuals to be mobile and social, so too should enterprises.

The key is to be both at the same time. Covinia points out the benefits that enterprises realize from being both mobile and social.

On its website, Covinia states, in part:

“A mobile/social enterprise answers to the major technological and economic shifts that define business and work today, drive cost savings, increase revenues and change the way you see opportunity. Mobile/Social ways of working harness the explosive growth of cloud, SaaS, analytics, big data, and serve as the foundation for effective employee and customer engagement.”

Covinia goes on to state that:

“Today, stakeholders connect, share knowledge and use information in new ways. Empowered mobile/social employees use collaboration to see new opportunities and innovate. When employees and customers connect, access essential information and share their best ideas, new processes and more authentic engagement start to define your brand and competitive edge.”

And Covinia and IBM are working together to provide mobile and social solutions for enterprises.

IBM Verse and Other Solutions

At the Amp It Up! Tour event in DC, a representative from IBM gave the audience an overview of IBM Verse–one of the company’s mobile/social solutions.

IBM Verse is a “reimagined” business-class mail system that the company says is designed to connect the “me to we.”

Incidentally, according to the website for Be Mobile Work Social, other solutions include IBM Connections (a social networking platform) and Mobile First (a mobile solution for engaging with customers).

In addition, the site states that IBM has partnered with Twitter to offer enterprises a “cloud-based analytics and a customer engagement platform” that helps “businesses & institutions manage their supply chain” and have “a better understanding of customers.”

I would be remiss if I did not mention that I was fascinated by some of the IBM Verse features that were discussed at the aforementioned presentation.

The mail system has a clean and intuitive layout, with features that allow you to visualize team members, share files, and communicate with colleagues. It even has instant messaging.

As I understand it, there might be a free version of IBM Verse if you are interested in trying the platform.

For more information about the tour and mobile/social solutions, you can visit:

You can also check out the press release for the roll-out of IBM Verse–and visit the company’s webpage about the innovative mail solution.

Steven Rangel

Steven Rangel is a professional who currently resides in New York City with his wife.

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